The elites never rest when it comes to devising new ways to take your money through taxes, inflation or outright confiscation. The latest Trojan horse the elites are riding to take your money is climate change.
The climate does change over long periods of time for reasons that are not well understood except that they are complex and almost impossible to model.
I lived for many years on Long Island Sound. It’s a beautiful body of water that supports fishing, boating and allows the simple aesthetic pleasure of gazing at the sea. Yet, I was constantly reminded by looking at the rocky shore that it used to be a glacier during the last Ice Age. (Glaciers push rocks and other debris aside creating something called a moraine. When the glacier melts, the moraine remains, which is why former glaciers have rocky shores). That’s climate change!
Yet, today’s climate change alarmism is not based on science. Mild global warming stopped in the late 1990s. Sea level increases are about 7 inches per 100 years; hardly cause for concern and likely reversible through natural processes. Polar bear populations are thriving contrary to Al Gore. There is no evidence that C02 causes warming (although there is evidence that warming causes C02 release, which is why some correlation exists).
So, why all the panic and hyperventilating about “climate change” by the elites? The answer is that climate change is a perfect vehicle to use for the imposition of global taxes and global regulation.
Climate is global. If you have a global solution, you need a global problem, and climate change fills the bill. As described in this article, climate change alarmists want developed economies like the U.S. and UK either to impose “carbon taxes” on emissions, or to collect a “border carbon adjustment” tax.
This would be a transfer payment from rich countries to poor countries to compensate for the fact that rich countries import goods that contribute to C02 release through poor country manufacturing or extraction processes. By making carbon more expensive, the relative cost of solar and wind power will be more attractive.
This article was written by Adair Turner, a UK super-elite and George Soros frontman. None of this is a free lunch. Basically, it’s a way to tax rich country consumers to subsidize poor country development.
Of course, those poor countries are often the source of dictatorships and human rights abuses. Climate alarmism is not good science. But, it is a perfect excuse to impose even more taxes on you and me.